Kennel News:
At the top: Show news
Further down: Other news
3'rd of December 2017
10 PUPPIES were born in our Kennel Long Feng - Our 5'th litter
5 males ( 3 black and 2 red) & 5 bitches (3 black and 2 red)
after sire:
NORD NO SE DK Ch NJW'12 Incipit Starman
breeder late Stella Sørlie, NO - owner Ann-Cathrin Kaldhus-Joten, NO
NORD SE NO FI DK Ch NOJW'15 HelJW'15 FIJW'15 Long Feng Alex Munday
19'th of November 2017
At NKK's Int show Norwegian Winner in Lillestrøm, Norway
Penny came BOS and BVOB and got the titles Norwegian Winner 2017 & Norwegian Veteran Winner 2017
and in the veteran finals ring she went BVIS under specialist judge
Patricia Trotter, US
4'th of November 2017
At SKK's Int show in Växjö
Willi came BOB & BVOB under judge
Ann Cuthbert, IE
Sabrina came BOS and got her second CAC
Jack came BD2 w CACIB
Willi then came BVIS4 under judge Vigdis Nymann, NO
Willi finished the day by going BOG2 under judge Arvid Göransson, SE
8'th of October 2017
At SKK's Int show in Sundsvall
Willi came BVOB
Penny came BVOS
7'th of July 2017
At SKK's Int show in Högbo
Willi came BOB & BVOB under judge
Carsten Birk, (DK)
27'th of August 2017
At STOKK's Nat show in STOXA
Jack came BOB under judge
Nina Lönner-Andersson, (SE)
6'st of August 2017
At the Finnish Clubshow
Jack came BM1 - BOB/BISS under breeder judge Paolo Gusberti, Switzerland
Penny was 2'nd in Bitch Veteran Class
Alex was 3'rd in Champion class
Jack & Alex was 1'st in Pair class
Penny & Alex was 1'st as Best mom and sibling
Jack was 1'st as Best health checked
Thank you so much to Risto Sankilampi for handling Jack to his best performance!!
22'nd of July 2017
At SKK's Int show in Köping
Jack came BOB w CACIB under judge Benny Blidh von Schedvin(SE) and later that day he became BOG2 under judge Hans Almgren (SE)
Penny came BB2 & BVOB
Alex got Excl w cq
8'th of July 2017
At SKK's Nat show in Tvååker
Jack came BOB under judge Ann-Christin Johansson(SE)
Penny came BOS & BVOB
Alex came BB2
7'th of July 2017
At SKK's Int show in Tvååker
Willi came BOB & BVOB under judge Ekarat Sangkunakup(Thai)
Sabrina came BOS and got her first CAC
Ah Kum came BB2 w CACIB
Jack came BD3 w r-cacib
2'nd of July 2017
At SSUK's Nat show in Borås
Penny came BOS & BVOB under judge Kirsi Honkanen (Fin)
Alex got Excl
Sabrina got Excl
1'st of July 2017
At SKK's Nat show in Borås (2401 entires)
Willi came BOB & BVOB under judge Susan Carr, US and later that day BVIS under judge Susan Carr, US and then BIG3 under judge Luis Pinto Teixeira, Portugal
Alex got excl w cq
Sabrina came BB3 w r-cac
11'th of June 2017
At SKK's Nat show in Vänersborg
Penny came BOB & BVOB under judge Börge Espeland(No)
Alex came BB2
27'th of May 2017
At CCR's Nat Speciality Clubshow in Eskilstuna
Penny came BB2 and BVOB under breeder judge Andrea Jurcan, Serbia
30'st of April 2017
At the Italian Clubshow ANICC in Volta Mantovana, Italy with 202 entires
Willi was 1'st in Male Veteran Class under breeder judge Philip Behan, IE & BIS7
Penny was 1'st in Bitch Veteran Class under breeder judge Dr Gail Forsythe, CA & BIS6
Alex got Excl in a strong open class under breeder judge Dr Gail Forsythe, CA
Sabrina got Excl and shortlisted in Junior class under breeder judge Dr Gail Forsythe, CA
23'rd of April 2017
At SKK's Nat show in Västerås
Alex came BOS under judge Rodi Hübenthal(NL)
Penny came BB3 and BVOB
12'th of March 2017
At SSUK's Nat show in Strängnäs
Willi came BOB & BVOB under judge
Ann-Chatrine Edoff, SE and later that day BVISS1
Jack came BD2
Alex came BB2
11'th of March 2017
At SKK's Int show in Strängnäs
Penny came BOB & BVOB under judge Siv Sandö (No) and later BVIS 4 under Göran Bodegaard, SE and then BIG1 under Lisbeth Liljeqvist, SE - on sunday she was BIS5
Alex came BB3 w r-cacib
Jack came BD2 w r-cacib
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"News" from 2009 _____________
"News" from 2010 _____________
"News" from 2011 _____________
"News" from 2012 _____________
"News" from 2013 _____________
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"News" from 2016 _____________
"News" from 2017 _____________
Other news:
Canine Reflexologist
I'm now finished as a reflexologist for both cats and dogs but of course my speciality will be in dogs.
Here you can see pictures from the course: Gallery
More about the course is to be read here: Mikura Dog

SJV made it impossible for us to continue as resellers for the fine product Amino Dog in Sweden - but we are still using the product on our dogs.
"Amino Dog®" which is a product containing only amino acids which are the foundation for the cells in the body.
More Danish Chow Chow Kennels uses it also. More are and more are trying it with great results.
We have good experiences with it and lots of test results so contact me and I'll let you know more.

Penny in Kennel Long Feng
We have become "foster parents" to a wonderful girl from Kennel Pei Fang in Norway. She is going to stay with us until she is SUCH and then going home with her real owners Mr & Mrs Colin Chinnery from Sherae Kennels in Australia. She is a wonderful bitch with a great temper that takes the whole world with a wag of her tail. We are glad to be able to give her a loving home for as long as she is with us. She will OF COURSE be missed when she returns to Australia but we know that she will be in the best of hands. You can visit them at their homepages: Sherae Kennels
We have a special gallery for her here !!
All went a bit better than expected so Penny stayed until she was CIB and we had gotten a litter on her ...also managed to make her WW2010.

Annchi's page.
Annchi has moved to Stina a bit from Karlstad where she is enjoying being part of Stinas life together with 2 cats. We hope to get pictures from them sometime soon...
Canine Acupressure Practitioner
I hope to one day to end up as the above mentioned :-)
The education is from USA where I found that they had the best education in this area.
More to read on Tallgrass Institute homepages.
