Kennel News:
At the top: Show news
Further down: Other news
14'th of December 2013
At the Int show in Amsterdam, NL
Jack came BD3 by judge Elly Weijenborg-Weggemans(NL)
Ah Kum came BB3 by judge Elly Weijenborg-Weggemans(NL)
13'th of December 2013
At the Int show in Amsterdam, NL
Jack got
Vorzüglich 1, CAC and CACIB by judge
Erwin Manders(NL) and was BD1
Ah Kum came BB3 by judge
Erwin Manders(NL)
7'th of December 2013
At SKK's Int Show in Älvsjö
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge Rodney Oldham (UK) and became Swedish Winner 2013
3'th of November 2013
At DKK's Int Show in Herning, DK
Jack got excl by judge Antoan Hlebarov(Bul)
2'nd of November 2013
At DKK's Int Show in Herning, DK
Jack came BD3 by judge Arne Foss(N)
12'th of October 2013
At the Int Ausstellung, Dortmund in Germany
Jack got
Vorzüglich 1, VDH-ChA, CAC and CACIB by judge
H.J. Otto (D) and became Herbstsieger 2013
Ah Kum got
Vorzüglich 1, VDH-ChA and CAC (BB2) by judge
H.J. Otto (D)
In the Paar/Brace class Jack and Ah Kum came BIS2
11'th of October 2013
At the Int Bundessieger Ausstellung, Dortmund in Germany
Jack got
Vorzüglich 1, VDH-ChA, CAC and CACIB by judge
Jutta Mayer(D) and was BD1 and thereby Bundessieger 2013
Ah Kum got Vorzüglich 1, VDH-ChA and res-CAC by judge
Jutta Mayer(D)
18'th of May 2013
At Finish KK's Int Show in Eckerö, Finland
Jack came BOB w.CAC and CACIB by judge Fredrik Nilsson(SE) and thereby becamer New Finish Champion!
18'th of September 2013
At ULKK's Int show in Gimo
Jack came BD2 w. r-cacib by judge Gerardo Paolucci (It)
Ah Kum came BOS w her third CACIB by judge Marie Petersen (DK) - this was her first winning and we are so happy
1'st of September 2013
At GKK's Int Show in Högbo Bruk
Jack came BOB w. CACIB by judge Paul Scanlon (Ire) and later became BOG2 |
18'th of August 2013
At the Int show in Eskilstuna
Jack came BD2 w. r-cacib by judge Gerardo Paolucci (It)
Ah Kum got VG by judge Gerardo Paolucci (It)
28'th of July 2013
At VAKK's Int Show in Ransäter
Jack came BD2 w.CAC an r-cacib by judge Henrik Johansson (SE) and thereby at one and same time became Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Champion - NORDUCH
27'th of July 2013
Jack came BD3 by judge Rosmarie Lüscher (CH)
Ah Kum got Excl w CK and was placed reserv in both Ch and BB class by judge Rosmarie Lüscher (CH) |
23'rd of June 2013
At the Int show in Rovaniemi, Fin
Jack came BD2 w. r-cac & r-cacib by judge Ricky Gouws (SA)
Emi came BB2 w. r-cac & r-cacib by judge Ricky Gouws (SA)
2'nd of June 2013
At the Int show in Neumünster
Jack got
Vorzüglich 1, VDH-ChA, res-CAC by judge
L.E. Martin, (UK)
1'st of June 2013
At Spezial Rassehunde Ausstellund Neumünster in Germany
Jack got
Vorzüglich 1, VDH-ChA.. by judge
H.J. Otto (D) and also received the Hanse-Trophy (Hanse Cup) for "Schönster Kopf"
18'th of May 2013
At Piteå's Nat Show
Emi came BOB w.CAC by judge Marianne Holmli (N) and Kicki Entin thereby made her New Swedish Champion, we are so proud of them!!
6'th of April 2013
Penny had 4 puppies. 1 black, 1 red and 2 cream boys. They are absolutely wonderful and we are so proud and love following them growing upl!!
Pedigree is found here and their special page is found here
On the 7'th of February 2013
Insemination performed by Eva Axner SLU - Uppsala (Canirep, Sweden)
Penny was inseminated with Jack
after having biten him several times but being at the right time we had to inseminate after consulting with SLU
So cross your fingers and send us good luck :-)
Expected whelping date 10'th of April
8'th of March 2013
At Crufts in Birmingham, UK
Jack came BD3 in yearling by judge Pam Godber (UK)
3'rd of March 2013
At Grand Hotel in Stockholm
Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow won the prestigeous titel
"Puppy of the Year 2012"
in Sweden - all breeds !! - under judge Paul H Stanton (SE) |
24'th of February 2013
At SSUK's Show in Eskilstuna
Jack came BOB w. CAC by judge Rose-Marie Emery (SE)
and in the Junior BIS FINAL he came BIS1 by judge Gunilla Sandberg (SE) and 15 minutes later he came BIS3 by judge Nils Molin (SE)
Ah Kum came BB2
6'th of January 2013
At MyDog2 Int Show in Gothenburg
Jack came BD3 by judge Kenneth Edh(S)
Ah Kum came BB2 w her second CACIB by judge Kenneth Edh(S) |
5'th of January 2013
At MyDog1 Int Show in Gothenburg
Jack came BOB w. CAC & CACIB by judge Matti Tuominen(Fin)
Ah Kum came BB3 w r-cacib by judge Matti Tuominen(Fin) |

"News" from 2007 _____________"News" from 2008_____________
"News" from 2009
"News" from 2010_____________ "News" from 2011_____________ "News" from 2012
Other news:
Canine Reflexologist
I'm now finished as a reflexologist for both cats and dogs but of course my speciality will be in dogs.
Here you can see pictures from the course: Gallery
More about the course is to be read here: Mikura Dog

SJV made it impossible for us to continue as resellers for the fine product Amino Dog in Sweden - but we are still using the product on our dogs.
"Amino Dog®" which is a product containing only amino acids which are the foundation for the cells in the body.
More Danish Chow Chow Kennels uses it also. More are and more are trying it with great results.
We have good experiences with it and lots of test results so contact me and I'll let you know more.

Penny in Kennel Long Feng
We have become "foster parents" to a wonderful girl from Kennel Pei Fang in Norway. She is going to stay with us until she is SUCH and then going home with her real owners Mr & Mrs Colin Chinnery from Sherae Kennels in Australia. She is a wonderful bitch with a great temper that takes the whole world with a wag of her tail. We are glad to be able to give her a loving home for as long as she is with us. She will OF COURSE be missed when she returns to Australia but we know that she will be in the best of hands. You can visit them at their homepages: Sherae Kennels
We have a special gallery for her here !!
All went a bit better than expected so Penny stayed until she was CIB and we had gotten a litter on her ...also managed to make her WW2010.

Annchi's page.
Annchi has moved to Stina a bit from Karlstad where she is enjoying being part of Stinas life together with 2 cats. We hope to get pictures from them sometime soon...
Canine Acupressure Practitioner
I hope to one day to end up as the above mentioned :-)
The education is from USA where I found that they had the best education in this area.
More to read on Tallgrass Institute homepages.
