Kennel News:
At the top: Show news
Further down: Other news
6'th of December 2015
At the International Voittaja Winner show in Helsinki, Finland
Alex came BB3 with CAC and BEST in junior class and thereby Finnish Junior Winner 2015 and with Junior Cruft Qualification 2016 under judge
Viera Staviarska (SLO)
5'th of September 2015
At the International Helsinki Winner show in Helsinki, Finland
Alex came BB2 w CAC and BEST junior and thereby Helsinki Junior Winner 2015 under judge
Moa Persson (SE)
30'st of October 2015
At SMOKK Int Show in Växjö
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge
Rune Fagerström(FI) and later became BOG4under judge Rune Fagerström(FI)
Alex came BOS w her third CAC
Penny came BB3 w r-cacib
17'th of October 2015
At NKK Norwegian Winner Int Show in Hamar, Norway
Jack came BOB w. CACIB by judge
Paul H Stanton(SE) and by that became Norwegian Winner 2015 for the second year in a row
Alex came BB2 and got her first Norwegian CAC and became Norwegian Junior Winner 2015 .... - her first title happy and proud
11'th of October 2015
At VNKK Int Show in Sundsvall
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge
Perrtu Ståhlberg(FI) and later became BOG3 under judge Perrtu Ståhlberg(FI)
Alex came BB3 w her second CAC
10'th of October 2015
At SSUK's Nat Show in Sundsvall
Jack came BD2 by judge
Jussi Liimatainen(FI)
Alex came res (5) in BB class
Long Feng Linus Caldwell came BOB and later became BISS under judge Henrik Johansson BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO LOTTA AND COOPER - GREAT WORK!!
6'th of September 2015
At EDS in Lillestrøm, Norway
Jack came BD3 in a fantastic beautiful Champion Group by judge
Jean-Jacques Dupas (FR)
5'th of September 2015
At NCCK's Nat show in Lillestrøm, Norway
Jack got excl w cq by judge
Mona Selbach (NO)
Alex got excl
15'th of August 2015
At the Nat Show in Eskilstuna
Jack came BOB by judge
Henrik Johansson(SE)
Alex came BOS w her first CAC
9'th of August 2015
At the Int Show in Ronneby
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge
Oliver Simon Aboneel(Croatia)
Alex came BB2 w r-cac
26'th of July 2015
At the Int Show in Ransäter
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge William Usherwood(US)
Alex came BPOB and later BPIS2 under judge Eva Nielsen (SE) |
11'th of July 2015
At the Int Show in Tvååker
Jack came BD2 by judgeMarie Thorpe(IE)
Alex came BPOB |
10'th of July 2015
At the Int Show in Tvååker
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge Annika Ullweit-Moe(SE)
Alex came BPOB
21'st of June 2015
At the Int Show in Vejen, Denmark
Jack came BD2 by judge Eva Nielsen(SE)
Penny came BB3 w CAC and thereby NEW DANISH and NORDIC CHAMPION in an age of 6½ years old!!!
Long Feng John Bosley BPOB - owner Malene Grønbæk Brogaard, DK |
20'st of June 2015
At the Int Show in Vejen, Denmark
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge Sean Delmar(IE)
Penny got Excl
Long Feng John Bosley BPOB - owner Malene Grønbæk Brogaard, DK |
13'th of June 2015
At the Nat Show in Norrköping
Jack came BOB by judge Gunilla Skallman(SE) and later became BOG4 under judge Leni Finne(FI)
Alex came BPOB |
6'th of June 2015
At the Nat Show in Norrköping
Jack came BOB by judge Johnny Andersson(SE) and later became BOG4 under judge Dan Ericsson (SE)
Alex came BPOB and later BPIS2
31'st of May 2015
At ULKK's International Show in Österby Bruk
Jack came "Uppland County Best Dog " under judge Nina Karlsdotter(SE) a competition for Uppland County dogs that were group placed during the 2 day show |
30'th of May 2015
At the Int Show in Österby Bruk
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge Karl Erik Johansson(SE) and later became BOG3 under judge
Dimitrios Antonopoulos
Alex came BPOB
Dylan got VP and came 2'nd in puppy class
Long Feng Linus Caldwell ( Cooper ) came BD2 w CAC and r-cacib and thereby NEW SWEDISH and NORWEGIAN CHAMPION
17'th of May 2015
At the annual Nat Speciality show for Chow Chow Ringen
Jack came BISS under breeder judge Bill Buell(US)
Alex came BPOB in puppy class 6-6 mth and later BPIS2
Dylan got VP and came 3'rd in puppy class
Willi got excl
Penny came BB4
Ah Kum got Good
Cooper (Long Feng Linus Caldwell) got VG - Lotta Andersson
Danny (Long Feng Danny Ocean) got excl w ck and came 2'nd in his class - Maria Brattfors |
5'th of May 2015
At the Int Show in Lidköping
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge Thomas J Touzel(CA) and later became BOG 1 under judge
Leif Ragnar Hjorth
Alex got VP and came 3'rd in puppy class
Dylan got VP w HP and came 2'nd in puppy class |
26'th of April 2015
At the Int Show in Roskilde, Denmark
Jack came BD4
Alex got VP w HP and came 3'rd in puppy class
Dylan got VP w HP and came 4'th in puppy class |
25'th of April 2015
At the Int Show in Roskilde, Denmark
Jack got excl w ck
Alex got VP w HP and came 4'th in puppy class
Dylan got VP w HP and came 2'nd in puppy class |
4'th of April 2015
At the Int Show in Kista
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge Carl Gunnar Stafberg (SE) and by that Swedish Winner 2015
3'rd year in a row
Penny came BOS w CACIB and by that Swedish Winner 2015
15'th of March 2015
At SSUK's Nat Show in Strängnäs
Jack came BOB by judge Johan Andersson(SE) and later became BISS under judge Nils-Arne Törnlöv(SE)
Alex (Long Feng Alex Munday) came BPOB and later BPIS3 by judge Anna Törnlöv(SE)
Cooper (Long Feng Linus Caldwell) came JunBOB and later JunBIS3 under judge Johan Andersson(SE) very proud of him and his mom Lotta Andersson |
14'th of March 2015
At the Int Show in Strängnäs
Jack came BD2 w r-cacib by judge Anita Whitmarsh (SE)
8'th of March 2015
At Crufts Birmingham, UK
Jack came reserve (BD4) in a big strong group of 14 entries
And Long Feng Linus Caldwell (Cooper) came BD3 in a group of 8 entries - following his father Jack's paw-steps from his first Cruft - so proud of them! |
28'th of February 2015
At our annual meeting in the Swedish Chow Chow Club - CCR
I had the great honour of being "BEST BREEDER OF 2014"
Our foundation bitch VICKI "CIB NORDCH SE DK FI CH FI V-08 Piuk Chow Missies Victoria Princess" became "BEST PROGENY BITCH 2014 "
And our beloved Jack "CIB NORDCH SE DK FI NO CH Bundessieger 13 SE V-13 SE V-14 NO V-14 Long Feng Captain Jack Sparrow became "BEST CHOW CHOW OF THE YEAR 2014" and "Best Black Rough Male 2014" |
6'th of February 2015
At Uppsala County Show for all breed BOB winners throughout 2014
Jack came BIS under judge Annika Ulltveit-Moe(SE) and can titulate himself "Uppland County Champion 2014"
His son (Jack and Penny) Long Feng Linus Caldwell (Cooper - owner Lotta Andersson, Uppsala) came res-BIS so a fantastic evening for Kennel Long Feng |
6'th of January 2015
At the Int Show in Gothenburg, MyDog II
Jack came BOB w.CACIB and CRUFT Qualification 2016 by judge Sylvie Desserne(F) |
5'st of January 2015
At the Int Show in Gothenburg, MyDog I
Jack came BOB w.CACIB by judge Åke Cronander(SE) |

"News" from 2007 _____________"News" from 2008_____________
"News" from 2009
"News" from 2010_____________ "News" from 2011_____________ "News" from 2012 "News" from 2013__________"News" from 2014
Other news:
Canine Reflexologist
I'm now finished as a reflexologist for both cats and dogs but of course my speciality will be in dogs.
Here you can see pictures from the course: Gallery
More about the course is to be read here: Mikura Dog

SJV made it impossible for us to continue as resellers for the fine product Amino Dog in Sweden - but we are still using the product on our dogs.
"Amino Dog®" which is a product containing only amino acids which are the foundation for the cells in the body.
More Danish Chow Chow Kennels uses it also. More are and more are trying it with great results.
We have good experiences with it and lots of test results so contact me and I'll let you know more.

Penny in Kennel Long Feng
We have become "foster parents" to a wonderful girl from Kennel Pei Fang in Norway. She is going to stay with us until she is SUCH and then going home with her real owners Mr & Mrs Colin Chinnery from Sherae Kennels in Australia. She is a wonderful bitch with a great temper that takes the whole world with a wag of her tail. We are glad to be able to give her a loving home for as long as she is with us. She will OF COURSE be missed when she returns to Australia but we know that she will be in the best of hands. You can visit them at their homepages: Sherae Kennels
We have a special gallery for her here !!
All went a bit better than expected so Penny stayed until she was CIB and we had gotten a litter on her ...also managed to make her WW2010.

Annchi's page.
Annchi has moved to Stina a bit from Karlstad where she is enjoying being part of Stinas life together with 2 cats. We hope to get pictures from them sometime soon...
Canine Acupressure Practitioner
I hope to one day to end up as the above mentioned :-)
The education is from USA where I found that they had the best education in this area.
More to read on Tallgrass Institute homepages.
