Chow of the Year 2008 - CCR Club Winner 2008 & 2009 (The Nationals) - Winner of bitches Intermediate Class World Dog Show 2008 - Winner of bitches Champion Class World Dog Show 2010, Best Overall at Sweepstakes 115 Anniversary CCC UK, Winner AOC open cl 115 Anniversary CCC UK.
Vicki had puppies on the 31'st of October - see puppy page
Vicki moved in with us late january
2007. She charmed herself into all that laid eyes on her.
When looking in her eyes - you look into the univers so
deep and full of stars. She is always happy - her tail always
wagging. She loves to hug and comes and greets all she knows
with big joy.
She loves to play ball and actually comes back with it to
have it thrown again (with XaSha it's different she thinks
that if I throw a ball then I can go and get it myself)
this of course if XaSha is not around. Because XaSha gets
a little jalous when we play ball and thinks that she is
the one to play with and starts chaseing Vicki around. Vicki
loves that because in a way we trick XaSha into playing.
With Vicki I started very early to clicker train. This after
a handling course with Gerard O'Shea. It works very well
with her and she likes it very much. There might be a good
chance of having a little show girl after this course since
Gerard teach how to make it fun for the dogs to be in the
showring which I personally think is very important since
a dog wellhandled that thinks it's fun have so much more
to gain both in the eyes of the judge and in the eyes of
the public. It has to be FUN. Right now being a "baby"
- she loves to tease XaSha and when XaSha makes a go for
her - she directly throws herself on the bag with all 4
paws dancing in the sky of happiness when XaSha "bites"
on her and makes sounds. She really likes that and when
XaSha stops and turns around it takes her 2 sec to get on
her paws and drag XaSha in her tail or bite her legs - hard,
so that XaSha has to "teach" her again. This repeats
itself time after time.
We have stopped giving 2 bones at a time - one for each.
It doesn't work. One of the bones never gets eaten. It can
be the one XaSha has or the one that Vicki has that is the
best one. Even if we have let them choose themselves. It's
still the one that the other have that is the best one.
Then starts the fun for those observating those 2. The noises
they make (very seldom it's barking) - the crawling they
make - the jumps they make - and how they try to get the
other one focusing on something else so that they may steal
the bone. I laugh so that I cry. The little one bites and
drag XaSha in her tail to have her turn after her and then
as a lightning she is in front and have taken the bone.
The big one uses kind of same technique also from behind
with one paw pressing more and more on paws, back, legs
even up till Vicki's ears she can reach and at last Vicki
can't hold it together but have to bite after XaSha which
XaSha fully uses because of her size to no matter how much
the little bites just let her and take it. I really wish
I had a videocamera so I could tape them and send it to
US and AFV and win 10.000$.
She is very independent and loves to explore. She is skilled
when it comes to getting what she wants and knows how to
use tools to reach or get what she wants. She is a very
skilled and resourceful young lady.
The 22'nd of April she became BIS pup at SSUK's show in
Köping Sweden. We are very proud of her.
Vicki is full of love and joy and she shares this with all
around her. We love her dearly.
In November-08 Vicki became 2 years old and now would have the chance of becoming Swedish Champion. She only needed one CAC after her birthday. But there were no shows until the big one in Stockholm in December. We had the big happiness that she won that day and became SUCH. 7 days after we attended Winner 2008 in Helsinki, Finland and she actually also won there and now she is also FINCH + FIN W-08. Our happiness and gratitude are enormous - many many thanks to Aira, Jaana & Family, Riitta & Risto that helped us. We love this little lady from the bottom of our hearts. She means the world to us and makes our lives brighter in any way. She is our little "eye-candy". And her tail never stops wagging :-)
We hope to breed Vicki in spring 2009. Vicki was mated with Follower del Fiume Giallo in mid February. No puppies :-(
Vicki was the winner at our Nationals for the second year in a row in May - then in June she became DKCH and in early July she became INTCH.
Vicki has been inseminated on my birthday and the day after. We hope for a wonderful birthday present arriving around 3'rd of November 2009. (and we had on 31/10-09...wonderful puppies with the good help from Aira)
Vicki went abroad twice in 2010. To Denmark and World Dog Show where she again managed to get into the top and between the 4 best bitches in the world by winning the Champion Class. In UK at the Chow Chow Clubs 115 anniversary she won the Sweepstakes on saturday and on sunday won the AOC open class. I together with Anna-Karin had some wonderful days in UK and really is hoping to be able to go there again sometime soon!
We hope to breed Vicki in winter 2010/2011 when she gets into heat :-)

here or see it
here: SKK's
database then
click on "stamtavle".

Her first prize came from "gladatassen" - Vicki at SSUK's show in Köping 2007 - 4½ month old
Vicki at Högbo Bruk sept 2008
Vicki at Stora-Hund08 - BOB, CAC, CACIB. Then she became SUCH after having received this CAC (the first Show in Sweden after her second years of birthday).

Vicki in June 2009 after she became DKCH in Vejen, DK
More pictures in "Gallery 2"
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